Thursday, January 5, 2012

President Re-focuses US Military

Any shock here? Due to budget cuts and strategic necessity, the US Military is changing its strategic goals  (from the New York Times):

In an unusual appearance at the Pentagon briefing room on Thursday, Mr. Obama outlined a new national defense strategy driven by three realities: the winding down of a decade of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, a fiscal crisis demanding hundreds of billions of dollars in Pentagon budget cuts and a rising threat from China and Iran.

With the 2012 presidential campaign in full swing, this story may not get the attention it deserves. But it's important that the United States is focusing more on the Asia-Pacific. With North Korea being as unpredictable as ever, the rise of China, and a host of other national security issues, Asia has to become the focal point for American foreign and military policy.

Such a shift was already predicted by none other than this administration's Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Now we're seeing it in full swing.

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