Sunday, January 15, 2012

Huntsman Out of the GOP Race

Well, that was not surprising:

An aide to Huntsman confirmed the news to The Huffington Post and said the former governor of Utah would endorse Mitt Romney on Monday. The aide added that Huntsman "didn't want to stand in the way of the candidate most prepared to beat Obama and turn around the economy."
Huntsman will deliver a speech on his decision on Monday at 11 a.m. ET in Myrtle Beach, S.C., according to the aide. Romney will not stand alongside the Utah Republican as he delivers his remarks.

It's a bit tragic for both myself and Nick. Although we're both on the left spectrum of American politics, we both thought Jon Huntsman as a really good potential president. Perhaps Huntsman/Rubio 2016? For that matter, if Romney wins the presidency, I could see Huntsman on the short list for Secretary of State.

Some thoughts about it from The Atlantic's James Fallows here.

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