Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Illusion of a Classless Society

William Domhoff came up with this chart. Furthermore:

According to a Roll Call analysis of Congress members’ financial disclosure forms, the collective net worth of American lawmakers jumped 25 percent to over $2 billion in just the last two years — with 50 of the richest Congressmen and women accounting for 90 percent of the increase. 
In 2008, the minimum net worth of House Members was just over $1 billion. In 2010, it rose to $1.26 billion. Senators experienced a more modest increase during this same time period, going from $651 million in 2008 to $784 million last year.

While the rest of the country has suffered through this recession/depression, our Congressmen and women have actually gotten richer in the past two years. With the poverty rate now hovering around 50%, its no wonder that the approval rate of Congress is so low. Me thinks that 2012 will be tough terrain for any incumbent, Democrat or Republican. The problem is that voters, exasperated by both parties, have no where to turn to.

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