Friday, May 27, 2011

Vermont governor signs single-payer health law

Vermont governor signs single-payer health law
Vermont lawmakers passed the legislation in March by a 92-49 margin. At the time of its passage, Shumlin lauded the legislature for becoming "the first state in the country to make the first substantive step to deliver a health care system where health care will be a right and not a privilege." 
The legislation, when fully enacted, will guarantee every Vermont resident the right to enroll in a state-sponsored insurance plan, Green Mountain Care. 
Essentially Vermont is setting up a Canadian or British type system where the state is the primary health provider for its citizens. As long as you pay taxes in the state, you can get health care for free or minimal cost. It still has some hurdles to go through before it become operational though. The legislature now has to figure out how the system will be funded and must do so before January 15, 2013. In addition, the health care reforms passed by Obama last year allows states to opt out the plan in 2017 only if it provides a better solution. Although Obama has said he wants to move that date up to 2014 to accommodate Vermont. Nevertheless, I applaud Vermont for deciding to do this, wish it had been at the national level instead, but its a step in the right direction. Now the question is: how many states will follow Vermont's lead?

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